MINUTES 2018-2019
DELEGATES' MEETING - September 5, 2018
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (O/U BOCES), John Pasichnyk (Chester), Larry Berger (Cornwall, O/U BOCES), Howard Cohen, John Redman, Bob Scheuermann, Meg Sgombick (Florida), Martha Bogart (Goshen, O/U BOCES) Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), Pastor John Williams (Middletown), Kathy DeRose, Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Dawn Tauber (Monroe Woodbury), Deborah Lasch, Linda Van Horn (Port Jervis), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Sarah Messing (Valley Central), Keith Parsons (Warwick), Kathleen Gualtieri, Robin White (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Jessica Goldstein (NYSSBA Deputy Director of Policy Services)
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. OCSBA attendees introduced themselves and our guests were welcomed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 5/2/18 meeting was m/s/c. A motion to approve the minutes of the 6/6/18 meeting was m/s/c.
Presentation - School Climate Surveys & NYSSBA Convention: Jessica Goldstein first gave a brief overview of NYSSBA and the services it provides for the benefit of newly elected BOE members, and reviewed some highlights worthy of note regarding the upcoming NYSSBA convention. She then discussed in detail what school climate surveys look like, their proposed use as part of NY State’s approved ESSA plan, and what to do with survey results. She noted that, all things considered, a school’s climate may be the most predictive factor in determining student achievement.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk called attention to the 2018-19 OCSBA Members Directory, and noted our October program to be given by BOCES’ Dr. Diane Lang, about New Mental Health Curriculum Requirements. He invited OU-BOCES Board President Jean Pavek and District Superintendent Bill Hecht to discuss an opening on the BOCES Board at the end of this school year.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Vaught reported that the Executive Committee met on 7/16/18 to conduct an internal audit of OCSBA’s 2017-2018 finances, all of which were found to be in good order. She thanked our districts for their prompt payment of OCSBA membership dues.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported that welcoming correspondence was sent to all new board members, and to all new and returning OCSBA delegates. She also noted that OCSBA will be hosting a hospitality suite during the NYSSBA convention, and said that details about OCSBA dinners would be forthcoming. Information regarding OCSBA’s November meeting, STEM: Sharing Best Practices, was discussed, as well as the possibility of hosting a legislative forum in October to hear from candidates prior to the election.
Legislation News - NYSSBA Resolutions: President Pasichnyk, a member of the NYSSBA Resolutions Committee, and Legislative Director Bill Boss briefly reviewed NYSSBA’s proposed resolutions to be voted on during the convention. All districts should review the resolutions with their respective boards to be prepared for a more in-depth discussion at OCSBA’s October meeting.
Delegates' Comments: None to report.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk thanked all for attending. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:43 pm.