MINUTES 2017-2018
DELEGATES' MEETING - June 6, 2018 - Annual Meeting, Villa Venezia, Goshen, NY
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM, welcomed all and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of Guests: President Pasichnyk introduced guests Chancellor Betty Rosa and Regent Judith Johnson. He also introduced James Drohan and Stuart Waxman from Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, and Margo May and Steve Latini from the firm of Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert. He thanked them for their generous sponsorship of OCSBA activities throughout the year. John also introduced Patrick Longo from NYSSBA, Robbie Green from MHSSC, and John Redman, President of the Florida Union Free BOE and NYSSBA Area 9 Director.
Greeting: NYSSBA Member Relations Manager Patrick Longo welcomed and congratulated new and reelected board members, and provided a brief update on NYSSBA activities.
Budget Approval: President Pasichnyk recognized Vice President Joseph Flaherty who present the proposed 2018-2019 budget. Joe explained the budget lines, noted that OCSBA membership dues remain unchanged, and then asked for a motion to approve the proposed budget. The budget was then m/s/c.
Election of Officers: President Pasichnyk reported on the Nominating Committee’s activity and presented the slate of officers for 2018-2019:
President: John Pasichnyk, Chester
1st Vice President: Joseph Flaherty, Minisink
2nd Vice President: John Williams, Middletown
Treasurer: Mary Vaught, Tuxedo
Secretary: Faith Aprilante, Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery
Executive Director: Karyn Meier
A motion to approve the slate as presented was m/s/c. President Pasichnyk declared the slate approved and thanked the Nominating Committee members for their contributions.
Dinner & Recognition of Retiring BOE Members: President John Pasichnyk announced the start of dinner. After a brief time, he and Executive Director Karyn Meier recognized those board members who were retiring from school board service at the end of the 2017-2018 school year, presenting retirees with Certificates of Appreciation.
Guest Speakers: President Pasichnyk introduced guest speakers Chancellor Rosa and Regent Johnson who spoke on many educational topics including the importance of having multiple pathways to graduation, understanding different measures for student achievement, the importance of focusing on unity within our communities, and asking the right questions when assessing the role of education in society (“What kind of people do we want our children to become? What kind of lives do we want them to lead? What kind of society do we want them to create?”).
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk thanked all for attending. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:26 PM.
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (OU-BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Larry Berger, Margaret Quinn (Cornwall, OU-BOCES), Martha Bogart (Goshen, OU-BOCES), John Williams (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Valerie Maginsky (Port Jervis), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Dave Eaton (Warwick, OU-BOCES), Kathleen Gualtieri, Robin White (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Jim Drohan, Stuart Waxman (TDWPM), Ron Sommer, Past OCSBA President
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed our guests, and OCSBA attendees introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 12/6/17 meeting was m/s/c.
Presentation - Free Speech in Education, & Mandated Child Abuse Reporting: Attorneys Jim Drohan and Stuart Waxman reviewed legal perspectives regarding free speech rights of students and teachers, and district responsibilities regarding various situations including student walk-outs, personal belief expression, compelled speech, and disagreement with curriculum instruction. They also reviewed mandated reporting of child abuse including the legal definition of child abuse, reasonable suspicion, reporting procedures and the obligations of various personnel.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk presented the Nominating Committee report for the proposed slate of officers for the 2018-2019 school year, and asked for questions or comments, for which there were none. He reviewed plans for OCSBA’s Annual Meeting & Dinner in June, with guest speakers Chancellor Betty Rosa, and Regent Judith Johnson. He announced that the Executive Committee would meet over the summer to conduct an audit of OCSBA’s financial records, and to plan for upcoming events. He welcomed delegates to share their ideas for possible presentation topics.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Meg Vaught reviewed OCSBA’s Year-to-Date financial status reflecting a modest but satisfactory fund balance, and presented OCSBA’s proposed 2018-2019 budget, calling attention to the point that OCSBA membership dues will remain the same for the coming year.
Presentation - NYS Diploma Requirements & BOCES Update: BOCES District Superintendent Bill Hecht gave members a summary of updated NY State Diploma requirements for the “4+1 Pathways”, and the ability of superintendents to make a determination of proficiency for an eligible student with a disability, in any area/subject where a student has not passed the respective Regents exam, giving superintendents greater leniency in granting a local diploma. He also thanked everyone for their districts’ support of the BOCES budget, and gave a summary of BOCES’ programs.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported on the MHSSC meeting of December 7th which focused on college readiness. She also reported on her presentation during the educational session of Leadership Orange on January 10, 2018, and OCSBA activities during NYSSBA’s Capital Conference in Albany in February. Karyn reviewed results of the Workshop for Prospective Board Members held in April, and thanked Robin White (Washingtonville), Paula Blumenau (Middletown), and President John Pasichnyk (Chester), for their participation in the event. She then called attention to the upcoming mandated training session for new school board members in Governance in June.
Delegates' Comments: No news to report.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk called for a motion to adjourn, which was m/s/c at 9:03 PM.
DELEGATES' MEETING - March 7, 2018
Cancelled due to weather.
DELEGATES' MEETING - February 7, 2018
Cancelled due to weather.
DELEGATES' MEETING - December 6, 2017
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (OU-BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Larry Berger (Cornwall, OU-BOCES), Barbara Ann Manzari (Cornwall), John Redman (Florida, NYSSBA Area 9 Director), Meg Sgombick (Florida), Martha Bogart (Goshen, OU-BOCES), Richard Sullivan (Highland Falls), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Valerie Maginsky (Port Jervis), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Dave Eaton (Warwick, OU-BOCES), Kathleen Gualtieri, Robin White (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Caroline Bobick, and Julie Marlette from NYSSBA Governmental Relations
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed our guests, and OCSBA attendees introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 11/1/17 meeting was m/s/c.
Presentation - NYSSBA Legislative Update & NYS Budget Priorities: Director of Governmental Relations Julie Marlette, assisted by Caroline Bobick, reviewed NYSSBA resources available to help districts understand the different types of financial aid, and state aid runs, and gave an in-depth presentation about NY State’s budget outlook and NYSSBA’s State Aid Proposal. She also discussed NYSSBA’s legislative priorities and advocacy strategies for the February Capital Conference in Albany.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk called attention to our February program, “Technology for Board Members”, to be given by Forrest Addor, BOCES Director of Technology, and “Legal Do’s & Don’ts” with David Shaw from Shaw Perelson. He also read Ron Sommer’s thank you for OCSBA’s fruit basket and get well wishes. He reminded everyone that NYSBBA’s Capital Conference is February 11-12, 2018, and that we would review legislative appointments at our next meeting.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported that she planned to attend the MHSSC meeting on December 7th, and that she would also be speaking at the Leadership Orange Education Leadership Session on January 10th. She noted that OCSBA would again sponsor the awards for the OU-BOCES Spelling Bee.
Legislative Update: Bill Boss led the discussion and review of the OCSBA Draft 2018 Legislative Platform to be prepared in advance of NYSSBA’s Capital Conference. Some suggestions were made to add language about increasing flexibility in school governance. Delegates were asked to have further discussions with their respective boards and send input to Karyn Meier . The final draft OCSBA 2018 Legislative Platform will be reviewed at our February meeting.
Delegates' Comments: Bill Hecht and delegates discussed some of the particulars regarding the ward voting bill that was presented to the government in light of the NYCLU and NAACP suit against East Ramapo.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk wished all safe and happy holidays. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:55 PM.
DELEGATES' MEETING - November 1, 2017
In Attendance: Jean Pavek (OU-BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Larry Berger (Cornwall, OU-BOCES), Barbara Ann Manzari (Cornwall), John Redman (Florida, NYSSBA Area 9 Director), Meg Sgombick (Florida), Martha Bogart (Goshen, OU-BOCES), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen (Monroe Woodbury), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Sarah Messing (Valley Central), Dave Eaton (Warwick, OU-BOCES), Keith Parsons (Warwick), Kathleen Gualtieri (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Tammy Rhein, Orange County Department of Mental Health, and Deborah Heppes, Kerri Stroka OU-BOCES
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He welcomed our guests, and OCSBA attendees introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 10/4/17 meeting was m/s/c.
Presentation - The Opioid Epidemic and its Impact on our Schools: Director of Mental Health Services Tammy Rhein led an in-depth presentation about the present-day opioid epidemic in Orange County, with additional input from Kerri Stroka, OU-BOCES Director of Special Education & Alternative Programs. Ms. Rhein gave some historical perspective, and discussed current efforts underway locally to address this issue. She also facilitated a discussion about the types of problems school districts are facing, steps that districts are currently taking, and further actions that districts might take to meet the needs of our families and students with regards to the opioid epidemic and drug abuse overall.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk called attention to our December program, “NYSSBA Legislative Update & NYS Budget Priorities”, to be given by Julie Marlette, NYSSBA Director of Governmental Relations. He also noted that OCSBA would be developing their 2018 Legislative Platform during the December meeting.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Meg Vaught reported on first quarter and October finances, which included NYSSBA Convention expenses, and sponsorship monies received. OCSBA’s current checking account maintains a balance of $31,566.42.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported that OCSBA dinners, and the Voting Delegates’ meeting, during the NYSSBA Convention went well, and thanked all our sponsors who helped defray expenses. The question of hosting the dinners at a later time to accommodate NYSSBA opening events was discussed. While we might try moving to a slightly later time, most felt that it’s best to stick to our current timing.
Legislative Update: President John Pasichnyk reviewed the results of NYSSBA’s Business Meeting and Resolutions voting. He also reviewed OCSBA’s 2017 Legislative Platform and asked members to discuss issues of importance with their respective boards so that that information could be shared during the December meeting when OCSBA will develop its 2018 platform.
Delegates' Comments: Joe Flaherty thanked Karyn Meier for her coordination of OCSBA activities during the convention. John Pasichnyk discussed the recent health problems of Past President Ron Sommer. A motion to send a Get-Well card and a fruit basket to Ron, not to exceed $50, was m/s/c. Karyn will take care of the details.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk thanked all for attending. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:40 PM.
DELEGATES' MEETING - October 4, 2017
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (OU-BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Larry Berger (Cornwall, OU-BOCES), Margaret Quinn (Cornwall), Martha Bogart (Goshen, OU-BOCES), Kevin Tuhy (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Pastor John Williams (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen (Monroe Woodbury), Kristi Kheiralla (Pine Bush), Deborah Lasch, Valerie Maginsky (Port Jervis), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Joseph Bond (Valley Central), Dave Eaton (Warwick, OU-BOCES), Kathleen Gualtieri, Robin White (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Elizabeth Russell, Staff Development Specialist, OU-BOCES
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked for a moment of silence to recognize the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. Afterwards, OCSBA attendees introduced themselves and our guest was welcomed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 9/6/17 meeting was m/s/c.
Presentation - Understanding McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: BOCES’ Elizabeth Russell reviewed the criteria that qualify a student as homeless, and the necessary steps a school district must take to enroll that student and to meet their educational needs. She talked about the benefits of training school staff in Adverse Childhood Experiences, and a trauma informed model of meeting student needs. Ms. Russell also reported on the success of BOCES’ Bibliotherapy Grant, which is being used by twelve Orange County districts.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk called attention to our November program, “The Opioid Epidemic and its Impact on our Schools”, to be given by Tammy Rhein, Director of Mental Health Services for the Orange County Department of Mental Health.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported that everything was set for OCSBA dinners during the NYSSBA Convention in Lake Placid, and noted that there would be a Voting Delegates meeting at 4:30 pm on Friday afternoon at the Golden Arrow Resort.
Legislative Update: Legislative Director Bill Boss reviewed NYSSBA’s proposed resolutions to be voted on during the convention, with assistance from Valerie Maginsky who has been an active participant on NYSSBA’s Resolution Committee. He also gave voting delegates a preview of how NYSBBA’s Business Meeting operates so that the delegates would know what to expect and be prepared.
Delegates' Comments: Continuing the discussion from the September meeting, it was noted that the Ward Bill is already at the legislative level and is on the Governor’s desk. Kevin Tuhy mentioned that Dr. Steven Cohen accepted Greenwood Lake’s offer and will now be their Superintendent. Congratulations and best wishes were offered. Joseph Bond asked districts to share information about whether districts collect their own taxes or if that’s done by their town, and if so, were any fees attached to that collection. Pastor John Williams noted that Middletown completed their recent construction project and he gave an overview of the increased educational benefits that are now available to their students.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk thanked all for attending. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:34 PM.
DELEGATES' MEETING - September 6, 2017
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (O/U BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Larry Berger (Cornwall, O/U BOCES), Margaret Quinn (Cornwall), John Redman, Meg Sgombick (Florida), Kevin Tuhy (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Pastor John Williams (Middletown), Brian Monahan, Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen (Monroe Woodbury), Valerie Maginsky (Port Jervis), Nancy Bourke, Diane Petrosky, Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Joseph Byrne (Valley Central), Jennifer Dellova, Colleen Doyle, Kathleen Gualtieri, Robin White (Washingtonville), Karyn Meier (OCSBA). Guests: Barry Entwistle (NYSSBA Director of Member Relations), Roberta Greene (Executive Director Mid-Hudson School Study Council)
Call to Order: President John Pasichnyk called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked for a moment of silence to recognize the victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Afterwards, OCSBA attendees introduced themselves and our guests were welcomed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the 5/3/17 meeting was m/s/c. A motion to approve the minutes of the 6/7/17 meeting was m/s/c.
President's Report: President Pasichnyk called attention to the 2017-2018 OCSBA Members Directory, and noted upcoming dates for OCSBA programs through December. He highlighted our October program to be given by BOCES’ Dr. Diane Lang, about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Finally, he noted that members can get occasional text alerts about upcoming OCSBA news.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Vaught reported that the Executive Committee met on 8/1/17 to conduct an internal audit of OCSBA’s 2016-2017 finances, all of which were found to be in good order. She noted that $100 was transferred into our money market account to increase savings and avert dormancy, and thanked all districts for their prompt payment of OCSBA membership dues.
Executive Director's Report: Karyn Meier reported that welcoming correspondence was sent to all new board members, and to all new and returning OCSBA delegates. She also discussed OCSBA dinners, and a Voting Delegates meeting (TBA) to be held during the NYSSBA Convention in October.
Presentation - NYSSBA Convention Info: Barry Entwistle gave a preview of the NYSSBA Convention with navigation tips for our members. He reviewed hotels, transportation, pre-convention workshops, program & session highlights, and encouraged the use of NYSSBA’s convention app to receive the latest news and/or changes.
Presentation - Mid-Hudson School Study Council Update: Roberta Greene provided an update on MHSSC activities, calling attention to some upcoming programs. She reviewed MHSSC’s Higher Education Joint Research Project, and the status of the current K-12 survey. She also noted a future research project that is under consideration.
Discussion - NYSSBA Area 9 Director Vote: John Redman, BOE President for the Florida district, discussed his long service in public education, and asked for all local districts to vote for him to be the next NYSSBA Area 9 Director.
Legislation Update: Legislative Director Bill Boss gave some brief news about NYSSBA’s proposed resolutions to be voted on during the convention. He asked all districts to review the resolutions to be prepared for a more in-depth discussion at OCSBA’s October meeting.
Delegates' Comments: NYSCOSS’ decision to not support a “Ward Bill” was discussed, as was why NYSSBA/OCSBA supports the existence of an optional ward representation system. Support for boundary alterations of the Monroe-Woodbury district to reflect changes created by the proposed Town of Palm Tree were also discussed.
Adjournment: President Pasichnyk thanked all for attending. Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:57 PM.