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In Attendance:  Bill Boss, Bill Hecht (O/U BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Charlie Frankel (Cornwall), Larry Berger (Cornwall/ O/U BOCES), Martha Bogart, Mike Lorenzo (Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), Michael Brooks (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Anthony Anderson (Monroe-Woodbury), Philip Howard (Newburgh), Joe Byrne, Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Dave Eaton, Keith Parsons (Warwick Valley), Colleen Doyle (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle, Karyn Meier (OCSBA), plus Guests:  Dominic Cordisco (Partner, Drake Loeb), and Josh Sommers (President & CEO, Focus Media)


President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.  OCSBA attendees introduced themselves and guests were welcomed.  LEGOLAND representative Dominic Cordisco gave an overview of what the proposed Goshen site would encompass in terms of target audience, size and layout of the park, educational programming and work opportunities available, and LEGOLAND support for the local community.  He answered questions regarding PILOT and tax implications, the possibility of planned park growth, and the seasonality of park access.  


President Sommer thanked LEGOLAND presenters, and Bill Hecht for his help in arranging the presentation. Moving into winter months, Ron reminded all to check the OCSBA website on the dates of future meetings for cancellation notices in situations of bad weather.  There will be a presentation about trends in negotiations at the December 2nd meeting, and a review of the OCSBA 2016 legislative platform as we prepare for 2017.


A motion to approve the minutes of the 10/5/16 meeting was m/s/c.


Treasurer Ed Estrada presented the Treasurer’s Report for July-September 2016.  A motion to accept the report was m/s/c.


Susan Doyle reviewed NYSSBA Convention details.  OCSBA received excellent sponsorship of our hospitality suite. However, both the suite and the Voting Delegates’ meeting were not well attended.  This may be due to a dense convention schedule and that many attendees were not staying in the primary hotel, but spread out across the Buffalo area, which made getting to/from the suite difficult.  Susan noted that this has implications for next year’s convention in Lake Placid which will also cover a wide variety of locations.  Highlights of the convention included two sessions, one presented by OU BOCES, and the other presented by Valley Central School District. 


Bill Boss noted that the NYSSBA Business Meeting provided a good opportunity for new Orange County delegates to network with veteran delegates.  He summarized which resolutions passed/failed, and/or underwent changes.


Overall, OCSBA members shared that the program offerings at the convention were very good.  Valley Central thanked Sue Doyle for coordinating the dinners.  Further discussion ensued about LEGOLAND traffic management concerns.  The Goshen district has drafted a letter to the County Executive addressing these concerns.  This letter will be shared with other Orange County school superintendents who can then decide, with their districts, whether they would also like to send the letter to the County Executive to show support of Goshen’s recommendations.


President Sommer thanked all for attending.  Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:42 PM.
Approved:  December 7, 2016 Delegates' Meeting




In Attendance:  Bill Hecht (O/U BOCES), Dottie Slattery (O/U BOCES, NYSSBA Area 9), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk,Frank Sambets (Chester), Meg Sgombick (Florida), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Jon Huberth (Monroe-Woodbury), William A. Smith (Port Jervis), Meg Vaught (Tuxedo), Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Colleen Doyle (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle, Karyn Meier (OCSBA), plus Guests:  Manny Pardo (Lions Club – Goshen Chapter), Roy Sheppard, Cliff
Youngs (Lions Club – Middletown Chapter), and Barry Entwistle (Director of Member Relations, NYSSBA)

President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.  OCSBA attendees introduced themselves and guests were welcomed. 

A motion to approve the minutes of the 9/7/16 meeting was m/s/c.

 Lions Club representatives Roy Sheppard, Manny Pardo, and Cliff Youngs discussed the Lions’ free community service program, Kidsight USA, which is a painless, non-invasive vision screening test for children aged 6 months to 6 years old,and available to any interested school district.
Susan Doyle reviewed details regarding OCSBA’s hospitality suite, and the NYSSBA Voting Delgates’ meeting during the NYSSBA Convention.  She reviewed both confirmed and tentative attendance at OCSBA dinners during the convention.  
NYSSBA’s Director of Member Relations, Barry Entwistle, gave an overview of preconvention and convention featured topics and meetings, as well as discussing the logistics of how to prepare in advance for attending convention, and noting new and improved services available such as the NYSSBA app, Tech Lounge, free Wi-Fi, and shuttle service.
President Sommer welcomed the continued membership of Kiryas Joel.  He reported that representatives from Legoland will attend OCSBA’s November 2nd meeting, and that on 11/16/16 OCSBA is offering Mandated Child Abuse Reporter training for school board members, with a subsequent legal issues update (including ESSA) and roundtable discussion to address new board members’ questions and concerns.  Barry Entwistle commented that NYSSBA is also planning receptions for new board members around the state.
President Sommer gave a summary review of NYSSBA resolutions and addressed a few questions and comments.  A discussion began about school districts’ abilities to provide adequate time for lunch and recess, with a recommendation to pursue the topic in December when OCSBA develops its legislative platform.  Barry Entwistle mentioned that NYSSBA has researchers available to help answer questions when local districts want to draft resolutions. 
Bill Hecht informed delegates that a three year BOCES Facilities Plan was reviewed during a recent superintendents’ meeting, detailing planned improvements and funding strategies.  There was also a request to provide school board members with clear information about teacher training and the types of services and actions needed/required of districts to meet the needs of special education students, especially when students are in district.  BOCES agreed to take that request under consideration.
President Sommer thanked all for attending.  Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:13 PM.   
Approved:  November 2, 2016 Delegates' Meeting  




In Attendance: Martha Bogart (O/U BOCES, Goshen), Bill Boss, Bill Hecht (O/U BOCES), Dottie Slattery (O/U BOCES, NYSSBA  Area 9), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Barbara Manzari (Cornwall), Meg Sgombick (Florida), Mike Lorenzo (Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake),  JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Vincent Crescenzo, Ed Estrada (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Peter Agro, Cara Robertson (Pine Bush), Meg Vaught  (Tuxedo),  Sarah Messing, SheilaSchwartz (Valley Central),  Keith Parsons (Warwick),  Colleen Doyle (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle, Karyn Meier (OCSBA), plus Guests: Robbie Greene (MHSSC), Jim Drohan, Stu Waxman (TDWPM)


President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room and new board members, new delegates and guests were welcomed.


A motion to approve the minutes of the 5/4/16 and 6/1/16 meetings was m/s/c. 


Treasurer Ed Estrada reported that the Executive Committee met in July to conduct an internal audit of OCSBA's 2015-16 financial records. All monies were accounted for and all records were in order. The Cash Flow Report and Budget Report for 2015-16 were distributed. A motion to accept the treasurer's report was m/s/c.


President Sommer reported that a positive meeting was held with a representative from Kiryas 

Joel to address district concerns. All delegates received a hard copy of the OCSBA Directory;

electronic copies will be shared with regular board members. Ron noted future events,  and that NYSSBA's Barry Entwistle will attend our October meeting to offer practical guidance on navigating the NYSSBA Convention. All board members are welcome at OCSBA meetings.

Susan Doyle reported that OCSBA has received excellent sponsorship for our hospitality suite at the NYSSBA Convention, allowingus to retain some funds for use during the Capitol Conference later. Details for the OCSBA Delegate's Meeting at convention will be announced shortly. Susan asked delegates to check with their board members about attendance at OCSBA dinners. Firmcommitments are needed by October.

Attorneys Jim Drohan and Stu Waxman from Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP, presented a "Legal Update Regarding School Safety Plans"  which detailed recent changes in terminology and new legal requirements that must be incorporated into school district policies  and safety plans.


Executive Director Roberta Greene from the Mid-Hudson School Study Council discussed the 
renewed purpose of MHSSC and its commitment to improving education by addressing the 
needs of schools through collaborative research and problem solving.   She invited board members to contact her with suggestions,and gave examples of recent, innovative work being done by MHSSC. She noted dates for upcoming MHSSC events.

Legislative Director, Bill Boss, distributed NYSSBA's 2016 Proposed Bylaw Amendments & 
Resolutions Book. A preliminary discussion about the resolutions followed, with further discussion to continue during OCSBA's October 5th meeting.

Further information was requested to explain a 2015 NYSSBA 'ward system' resolution.


President Sommer thanked all for attending. 
Motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:07 PM.

Adopted: Delegates' Meeting, 10/5/16

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