June 1, 2016
West Hills Country Club, Middletown, NY
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by President Ron Sommer. He welcomed all and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Sommer introduced guests Margo May and Steve Latino (Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert) and Jim Drohan and Dan Petigrow (Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle) and thanked them for their generous sponsorships of OCSBA activities throughout the year. He then introduced the new Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson School Study Council, Roberta Greene and NYSSBA’s Pilar Sokol Pilar gave a few words of welcome.
President Sommer announced Susan’s intention to retire in June, 2017, and he discussed the Executive Committee’s plan for succession by creating a position of Assistant Executive Director during the upcoming year. To accommodate this plan, the budget was increased with funds from our CD, and we are proposing a $30 per district increase in dues. President Sommer then called upon Treasurer Joseph Flaherty to present the proposed 2016-17 budget. Treasurer Flaherty explained the budget lines and asked for a motion to approve the proposed budget. The budget was then m/s/c.
President Sommer called upon Roseanne Sullivan, Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, to present the slate of officers for next year:
President - Ron Sommer - (Greenwood Lake
1st Vice President - John Pasichnyk (Chester)
2nd Vice President - Charles Frankel (Cornwall)
Treasurer - Ed Estrada (Middletown)
Secretary - Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley)
Past President - Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush)
Executive Director - Susan Doyle
A motion to approve the slate as presented was m/s/c. President Sullivan declared the slate approved. She thanked the following Nominating Committee members: Bill Boss, John Redman, Dottie Slattery, Ron Sommer, and Joe Flaherty.
President Sommer announced a buffet dinner.
President Sommer recognized those board members who are retiring from school board service at the end of this school year. From the Orange County Legislature, Roseanne Sullivan presented retiring members with a certificate of appreciation, also.
President Sommer introduced our two guest speakers, Regent Beverly Ouderkirk, and Regent Judith Johnson. They spoke about the many challenges they faced during their first year on the Board of Regents and the hope for the future of education in New York State.
President Sommer thanked our speakers and all board members and superintendents for attending tonight’s event.
A motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:17 pm.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting September 7, 2016
May 4, 2016
BOCES, Goshen
In Attendance: Larry Berger (O/U BOCES/Cornwall), Bill Boss , Bill Hecht (/O/U BOCES), John Pasichnyk (Chester), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Anthony Andersen (Monroe-Woodbury), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), William Smith (Port Jervis), Brad Conklin, Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Keith Parsons (Warwick), Brian Casey, Colleen Doyle (Washingtonville) and Susan Doyle (OCSBA)
President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room. He noted the presence of a quorum.
A motion to approve the minutes of the 3/2/16 Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
President Ron Sommer reminded all about our annual dinner meeting on June 1st with Regents Bev Ouderkirk and Judith Johnson as our guest speakers. He encouraged attendance at this event. President Sommer indicated that the executive committee would meet during the summer to plan next year’s programs and activities. He asked for ideas and suggestions. President Sommer reported that Susan has stated that she plans to retire from OCSBA in June of 2017. The executive committee is recommending that we create a new staff position, assistant director, to assist in the transition during Susan’s final year with OCSBA. It is expected that the salary and work load will be shared between the executive director and the assistant during the year. Interested individuals should send a letter of intent to either Susan or Ron by June 1st.
A motion to approve a new assistant director position was moved by Joe Flaherty (Minisink), seconded by Larry Berger (Cornwall/BOCES) and approved unanimously.
Treasurer Joe Flaherty and President Ron Sommer presented the proposed 2016-17 budget. Additional budget expenditures were included in the director’s fee, equipment, supplies, and travel lines to accommodate additional expenses for an assistant director. In eliminating the fax machine and dedicated fax line, we reduced our expenditures in this line. The revenue line was increased when we closed our CD and placed $3000 in the revenue line. Membership dues for next year will be increased by $30 per district. This is the first dues increase since 2008. The budget will be voted upon at our annual meeting..
Nominating Committee Chairperson Roseanne Sullivan gave the Nominating Committee report. The proposed slate of officers for 2016-17 is as follows:
President - Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake)
1st Vice President - John Pasichnyk (Chester)
2nd Vice President - Charles Frankel (Cornwall)
Treasurer - Ed Estrada (Middletown)
Secretary - Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley)
Past President - Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush)
Executive Director - Susan Doyle. Delegates will vote on the slate at our annual meeting.
Susan reported that reservations have been made for OCSBA dinners during convention at EB Green’s Steakhouse and Dinosaur BBQ. This year, MHSSC will re-join our hospitality suite in Buffalo as a co-sponsor.
Attending members engaged in a sharing session about school board operations. The following topics were discussed: school board protocols, school board handbook, orienting new board members, electing a board president, and board retreats. Bill Hecht shared draft copies of the BOCES handbook.
Delegates’ concerns included the following: Bill Boss thanked all for their support of his re-election and the BOCES budget, and he noted that JoAnn Reed received theUCSBA Friends of Education Award, Roseanne Sullivan encouraged boards to discuss with their board colleagues the ward system for school districts.
At 9:02 pm a motion to adjourn was m/s/c
Approved: Delegates' Meeting September 7, 2016
March 2, 2016
BOCES, Goshen
In Attendance: Bill Boss, Jean Pavek (BOCES), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Robert Miller (Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Anthony Andersen (Monroe-Woodbury), Diana Petrosky (Tuxedo), Dave Eaton (Warwick Valley), Susan Doyle (OCSBA) and guests David Shaw and Jennifer Gemmell (Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert)
President Ronald Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM, welcomed everyone, and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room.
A motion to approve the minutes of the2/3/16 Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
President Sommer appointed the following to OCSBA’s Nominating Committee:John Redman, Dottie Slattery, Bill Boss, Joe Flaherty, Ron Sommer, and chairperson Roseanne Sullivan. President Sommer appointed OCSBA’s Executive Committee to serve as this year’s Budget Committee. Ron noted the upcoming workshop for prospective school board members, and he encouraged attendance from interested community members.
President Sommer announced that our next meeting will take place on May 4th, and the agenda will include a sharing session on a number of school board protocols. He reminded everyone about our Annual Meeting in June stating that two members of the Board of Regents have agreed to speak at this event.
President Sommer introduced school attorneys David Shaw and Jennifer Gemmell who delivered a PowerPoint presentation on social media and our schools.
Susan Doyle indicated she had a positive conversation with a UCSBA officer about a co-sponsored suite during convention, and she reported that said she was still looking into a number of restaurants in Buffalo for our dinners during convention.
Board candidates Dave Eaton (Warwick) and Bill Boss (BOCES) spoke briefly about their candidacy for the BOCES board. It was noted that Dottie Slattery is seeking re-election, but was unable to attend tonight’s session.
Delegates’ concerns included the following: difference in tax cap levy, possible meeting with legislators in June, and support for a state legislative candidates’ forum in October.
At 8:55 PM a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting, May 4, 2016
February 3, 2016
BOCES, Goshen
In attendance: Bill Boss, Larry Berger (Cornwall/BOCES), Bill Hecht (BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Allison Salte (Goshen), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen, Don Beeler, Jon Huberth (Monroe-Woodbury), William Smith (Port Jervis), Brad Conklin, Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Dave Eaton, Keith Parsons (Warwick), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle (OCSBA) and guests James Drohan and Dan Petigrow (Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle)
President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm, welcomed everyone, and led members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room..
A motion to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2015, Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
Treasurer Joseph Flaherty gave the mid-year treasurer’s report. He noted that, despite repeated outreach efforts to Kiryas Joel, they still have not paid their dues. Joe noted that even though our budget called for additional expenditures this year without raising revenue, we expect to use some surplus fund balance to end this fiscal year with a balanced budget. A motion to accept the report was m/s/c..
President Sommer introduced our guests, Jim Drohan and Dan Petigrow (TDWPM) who delivered a PowerPoint presentation and handouts on student safety and the proposed Regents rules on special education. After questions and comments from our members, President Sommer thanked our presenters for an informative and interesting presentation.
President Sommer reported on our upcoming events, and he noted a save the date flyer that was being distributed. He discussed the NYSSBA survey and announced that the guest speakers at our annual dinner meeting would be Regents Judith Johnson and Beverly Ouderkirk.
Executive Director Susan Doyle announced that we would, meet to discuss our advocacy efforts with our area colleagues in our co-sponsored suite during NYSSBA’s Capital Conference. NYSSBA’s Annual Convention in October was discussed and it was agreed to get a suite for Thursday & Friday evenings. Co-sponsorship was to be determined by each county’s agreement to divide the suite costs equally. The location for OCSBA dinners on Thursday and Friday evenings during convention was discussed.
Legislative Coordinator Bill Boss reviewed the proposed legislative platform for 2016. Following discussion, a motion to approve the platform was m/s/c.
Delegates comments included the following: District Superintendent announced that Dottie Slattery and Bill Boss would seek re-election to the BOCES board this year, and Virginia Esposito will not seek re-election. Dave Eaton (Warwick) announced his candidacy for the upcoming vacant seat on the BOCES board.
A motion to adjourn at 9:05 PM was m/s/c.
Approved: March 2, 2016 Delegates' Meeting.
December 2, 2015
BOCES, Goshen
In attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht (BOCES), Larry Berger (BOCES, Cornwall), John Pasichnyk (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen, Jon Huberth (Monroe-Woodbury), Ken Copertino (Newburgh), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), William Smith (Port Jervis), Sharon Davis, Dave Eaton, Lynn Lillian, Keith Parsons (Warwick Valley), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), guest Julie Marlette, Director of Governmental Relations, NYSSBA and Susan Doyle (OCSBA).
President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM. He welcomed all and led members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room.
A motion to approve the minutes of the 11/4/15 Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
President Sommer introduced guest speaker, NYSSBA’s Julie Marlette, Director of Governmental Relations.. She delivered a power point presentation about the need to increase financial aid to our schools.
OCSBA’s Legislative Platform for 2014 was reviewed and suggestions were made for our association’s 2016 platform. It was decided to focus on financial issues and the restoration of $2.3 B that the state owes our school districts.
Lynn Lillian (Warwick) announced a January 5th regional forum to be held in the Monroe-Woodbury High School featuring Susan Lerner from Common Cause. She encouraged all to advertise this event with their boards of education and members of their communities.
At the request of delegate Brian Casey, President Sommer distributed a copy of a position statement from the New Paltz Board of Education. He noted that our next meeting would be held on February 3rd.
At 9:30 pm, a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
Approved: Feb. 3, 2016 Delegatetes' Meeting
November 4, 2015
Arden Hill Regional Education Center
In attendance: Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), Larry Berger (Cornwall/BOCES), Martha Bogart (Goshen/BOCES), Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (O/U BOCES), Sandy Nagler, Frank Sambets, John Pasichnyk (Chester), Allison Salte (Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante, Gabriel O’Connell (Highland Falls), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink), Christopher DiLorenzo (Monroe-Woodbury), Ken Copertino, Carole Mineo (Newburgh), William Smith (Port Jervis), Brad Conklin, Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Dave Eaton(Warwick), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), and Susan Doyle (OCSBA)
President Ron Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm and welcomed all in attendance. He led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions were made around the room. He reminded all to check the website in case of inclement weather on the dates of our winter meetings. Ron noted that NYSSBA’s Legislative Director, Julie Marlette, would be with us at our December meeting to address legislative priorities for 2016. He stated that we would review OCSBA’s legislative concerns at this meeting as well.
Treasurer Joseph Flaherty gave a brief report indicating a mid-year report would be given after the first of the year. He noted that Kiryas Joel was the only district that had not paid their dues for this year. Joe encouraged members to thank our sponsors for their support of our dinners during convention. A motion to accept the report was m/s/c.
A motion to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2015, Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
Bill Boss thanked all who participated in NYSSBA’s Annual Convention in NYC and attended the business meeting. He encouraged all to take the NYSSBA survey on common core. Roseanne Sullivan thanked all for their support of Pine Bush’s resolution allowing districts to establish the ward system if they chose.
District Superintendent Bill Hecht introduced a number of his staff members who were present. Building tours and program overviews were conducted by Diane Lang (Instructional Support Services), Sheila Almond (Records Management), Kerri Stroka (Special Education Programs), and Jodie Yankanin (Career & Technical Education Programs). Attending board members were able to tour the new educational facility and learn of the extensive programs that are offered in this new facility. President Sommer thanked Bill Hecht and his staff for an engaging, interesting, and informative evening.
A motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 8:57 pm.
Approved: December 2, 2015 Delegates' Meeting
September 2, 2015
BOCES, Goshen
In Attendance: Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), Larry Berger (Cornwall, BOCES), Bill Hecht, (BOCES), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets(Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Karyn Meier, John Redman (Florida), Allison Salte (Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Paula Blumenau (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Anthony Andersen, Jon Huberth (Monroe-Woodbury), Ken Copertino, Carole Mineo (Newburgh), William Smith, Bob Witherow (Port Jervis), Brad Conklin, Sheila Schwartz, John Xanthis (Valley Central), Keith Parsons (Warwick Valley), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle (OCSBA), and Jim Drohan, Stu Waxman (TDWP &M).
President Ronald Sommer called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, welcomed all, and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room, and all (new and returning) delegates were welcomed.
Motions to approve the minutes of the 5/6/15 and 6/3/15 meetings were m/s/c.
Treasurer Joseph Flaherty reported on the audit that was conducted by the executive committee this summer noting that all monies were properly accounted for. He distributed a cash flow report and a final budget report for 2013-14. Also, he stated that Highland Falls, Kiryas Joel, Newburgh and Valley Central had not yet paid their dues, and Minisink’s check is in the mail.
President Sommer introduced our guest speakers, Bill Hecht (BOCES), and Jim Drohan and Stu Waxman (TDWP & M). Jim presented a legal update and Bill and Stu delivered a tag team approach on the latest revisions to APPR.
President Sommer discussed the change in directory distribution noting that delegates received a hard copy and district clerks would receive a pdf file by email. We will continue to communicate with our delegates via the orange postcard and a follow up email to district clerks. He noted our October meeting would feature Jay Worona delivering a training session on mandated child abuse reporting for all OCSBA members. This training is offered without fee, but registrations are required. In a discussion about moving OCSBA meetings around the county, it was decided that unless there is a specific reason to change locations, our meetings would continue at BOCES. Ron asked for program suggestions for our January meeting.
Susan distributed information about Pediatric Cancer Awareness. She announced a meeting room during convention to discuss the resolutions, and she noted that we would not host a suite during convention because of the high costs in NYC. She announced the dinners for OCSBA members on Sunday & Monday evenings. Susan distributed sample menus and noted that we received excellent sponsorships to help defray the dinner costs. She thanked John Redman (Florida) for his assistance in locating restaurants for us.
President Sommer introduced our guest speakers, Bill Hecht (BOCES), Jim Drohan, and Stu Waxman (TDWP & M). Jim presented a legal update and Bill and Stu delivered a tag team approach on the latest revisions to APPR.
President Sommer briefly discussed the resolutions and indicated a more thorough discussion would be held in October.
Area 9 Director/BOCES President Dottie Slattery announced changes in NYSSBA’s approach to NSBA’s FRN conference.
A motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:05 pm.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting - 11/4/15