June 3, 2015
West Hills Country Club, Middletown, NY
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Roseanne Sullivan. She welcomed all and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Sullivan introduced guests Margo May (Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert) and Jim Drohan, Dan Petigrow, Stu Waxman, and Judy Mayle (Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle) and thanked them for their generous sponsorships of OCSBA activities throughout the year.
President Sullivan called on Treasurer Charles Frankel to present OCSBA’s proposed budget for 2015-16. Charles presented a budget with the same bottom line amount as last year and no dues increase for next year. The budget included a raise for the executive director with corresponding reductions in several expenditure lines. A motion to approve the budget was m/s/c.
President Sullivan presented the slate of officers for next year:
President - Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake
1st Vice President - John Pasichnyk (Chester)
2nd Vice President - Charles Frankel (Cornwall
Secretary - Ed Estrada (Middletown)
Treasurer - Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley)
Past President - Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush)
Executive Director - Susan Doyle
A motion to approve the slate as presented was m/s/c. President Sullivan declared the slate approved. She thanked the following Nominating Committee members: Bill Boss, John Redman, Dottie Slattery, Ron Sommer, and Joe Flaherty. She introduced incoming president, Ron Sommer. Ron thanked Roseanne for her service as president of OCSBA and presented her with a token gift of appreciation. Ron thanked our members for their support for his upcoming presidency, and he spoke about the importance of all board members participating in our county association and the positive future of OCSBA.
President Sullivan announced a buffet dinner.
President Sullivan and Incoming President Ron Sommer recognized those board members who are retiring from school board service at the end of this school year. Retiring members Joy Crist (Valley Central), Denise Lupano (Washingtonville), and Laura Williams (Greenwood Lake) were present to receive recognition and certificates of appreciation.
In introducing our guest speaker, John Sipple, President Sullivan thanked BOCES for making it possible to have Dr. Sipple with us this evening. Dr. Sipple spoke about the use of data in our schools and communities.
President Sullivan thanked all for attending, and she wished everyone a safe and healthy summer. A motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:10 pm.
Delegates' Meeting, 9/2/15
May 6, 2015
BOCES, Goshen
In Attendance: Larry Berger (O/U BOCES/Cornwall), Martha Bogart (Goshen/O/U BOCES), Jean Pavek
(O/U BOCES), Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), John Pasichnyk (Chester), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Brad Conklin, Richard Hooley, Sheila Lease-Murphy, Lisa Raymond, (Valley Central), David Eaton (Warwick Valley), and guests David Shaw (Shaw, Perelson, May & Lambert), and Stuart Waxman (Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow, & Mayle)
President Roseanne Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room. She noted the absence of Executive Director Susan Doyle due to illness.
A motion to approve the minutes of the 1/7/15 Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
President Sullivan introduced school attorneys Stuart Waxman and David Shaw who delivered a PowerPoint, tag-team approach presentation on negotiations. They noted the trend in negotiations in our area and gave suggested guidelines on how the negotiating process should work. President Sullivan thanked them for providing our members with this important update.
President Sullivan gave the Nominating Committee report. The proposed slate of officers for 2015-16 is as follows:
President - Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake)
1st Vice President - John Pasichnyk (Chester
2nd Vice President - Charles Frankel (Cornwall)
Treasurer - Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley)
Secretary - Ed Estrada (Middletown)
Past President - Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush)
Executive Director - Susan Doyle
Delegates will vote on the slate at our annual meeting in June.
Ron Sommer presented OCSBA’s proposed budget for the 2015-16 school year in the total amount of $34,295. He noted the budget included an increase in the executive director’s salary. Minor adjustments were made throughout the budget to keep the bottom line amount the same as this year. No increase in dues is projected. .
President Sullivan reminded everyone about OCSBA’s Annual Dinner Meeting on June 3rd at West Hills Country Club in Middletown. Besides electing officers and adopting a budget for next year, we will recognize those board members who will retire from board service in June. Dr. John Sipple (Cornell) will be our guest speaker.
She encouraged all to attend. Planning for next year’s programs will take place this summer, and President Sullivan asked for suggestions and ideas for future OCSBA events.
Members discussed the PILOT resolution drafted by our attorneys. All were encouraged to submit and support this proposed NYSSBA resolution.
A sharing session was held on comparing the proposed budgets of our districts.
At 9:25 PM a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
9/2/15 Delegates' Meeting
January 7, 2015
BOCES, Goshen
In attendance: Bill Boss (BOCES), Martha Bogart (Goshen, BOCES), Dottie Slattery (BOCES, Area 9 Director), Sandy Nagler, John Pasichnyk, Frank Sambets (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Karyn Meier (Florida), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Brad Conklin, Joy Crist (Valley Central), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle OCSBA) and guest Dan Petigrow (TDWPM).
President Roseanne Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm, welcomed everyone, and led members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were then made around the room.
A motion to approve the minutes of the Delegates’ Meeting of December 3, 2014, was m/s/c.
Treasurer Charles Frankel gave a mid-year financial report. He noted that our budget continues to reflect the positive financial condition of our association. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was m/s/c.
President Sullivan introduced our guest, Dan Petigrow, who spoke about school boards and the IDA. He delivered a PowerPoint presentation and distributed handout materials. All members agreed that Dan gave an informative, comprehensive, and interesting talk on the IDA.
After discussion of the draft platform, a motion to approve OCSBA’s Legislative Platform for 2015 was m/s/c.
Susan noted the upcoming Capital Conference in Albany which is to take place on March 15 & 16th. She noted we would have a suite to coordinate our advocacy efforts with board members from neighboring counties. Indicating she would make the legislative appointments for Monday’s meetings with our legislators, Susan encouraged all to attend this worthwhile and interesting conference. Suggestions were made for a speaker for the annual dinner meeting in June.
Area 9 Director/BOCES President Dottie Slattery announced the upcoming FRN conference in Washington DC. She asked members to share their concerns about federal issues with her.
President Sullivan announced our next meeting would take place on March 4th, and school attorneys Stu Waxman and David Shaw would be with us to give members an update on trends in area negotiations.
At 9:06 pm, a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
December 4, 2014
BOCES, Goshen
In attendance: Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (BOCES), Mike Bello (BOCES, Port Jervis), Larry Berger (BOCES, Cornwall), Martha Bogart (BOCES, Goshen), Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), John Pasichnyk (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Faith Aprilante, Debra Jackson (Highland Falls), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Lynn Lillian (Warwick Valley), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), presenter Andrea Tejedor (Highland Falls), and Susan Doyle (OCSBA).
President Roseanne Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. She welcomed all and led members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room.
A motion to approve the minutes of the 11/5/14 Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
President Sullivan introduced guest speaker, Dr. Andrea Tejedor, Director of Innovation and Instructional Technology at Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery School District. She delivered a presentation outlining current and future educational technologies.
Lynn Lillian (Warwick) encouraged all to get involved with the Fair Funding effort explaining that their long term goal is to create a regional network of advocacy. OCSBA’s Legislative Platform for 2014 was reviewed and suggestions were made for our association’s 2015 platform. Formal adoption of a platform will take place at our
January meeting. After reviewing WPSBA’s article on school funding a motion was m/s/c to endorse this message with our legislators.
Area 9 Director and BOCES President Dottie Slattery indicated she is considering submitting an application to serve on the Educational Conference Board.. All encouraged her to do so. She said NYSSBA will consider the letter we wrote indicating our concerns about the convention.
President Sullivan reminded all about the procedures we will use in case our meetings are canceled because of bad weather conditions. She noted that school attorney, Dan Petigrow, will be with us in January to discuss how the IDA impacts our schools. She announced NYSSBA’s Capital Conference in March indicating that Susan would make the legislative appointments. Also, she encouraged members to attend this worthwhile two day conference in Albany.
Delegates’ comments included the following: charter schools and their funding, conversion charter schools outside NYC, a decision not to provide BOCES services to charter schools, Middletown’s civil rights suit concerning discrimination in funding for school districts with high minority populations, and underfunded districts in NYS.
At 9:20 pm, a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting, January 7, 2015
November 5, 2014
BOCES, Goshen
In attendance: Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), Larry Berger (Cornwall/BOCES), Martha Bogart (Goshen/BOCES), Bill Boss, Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (O/U BOCES), Frank Sambets John Pasichnyk (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Judy Green, Allison Salte Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), Faith Aprilante (Highland Falls), Susan Horton, James Kuha, Joann Reed, Jeff Walker (Marlboro), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink), Paula Blumenau, Andy Warren (Middletown), Don Beeler (Monroe-Woodbury), Ken Copertino, Philip Howard (Newburgh), Brad Conklin, Richard Hooley (Valley Central), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Dave Eaton (Warwick), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), and Susan Doyle (OCSBA).
President Roseanne Sullilvan called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm and welcomed all in attendance. She led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions were made around the room. She reminded all to check the website in case of inclement weather on the date of our winter meetings. She noted that Andrea Tejedor would give our members an update on technology at our December meeting. Roseanne alerted members that the county executive wants to cut the designated SAFE money to our districts. She urged all to contact Steve Neuhaus and register their concerns.
A motion to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2014, Delegates’ Meeting was m/s/c.
Treasurer Charles Frankel gave the Treasurer’s Report noting that all expenditures were within budgetary guidelines and all dues and fees for program were paid.. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was m/s/c.
Bill Hecht (BOCES) and Susan led a discussion on board self-evaluations and evaluating the superintendent. They distributed booklets on evaluation instruments that they put together. Discussion followed.
Susan reported on the dinners during convention thanking John Redman (Florida) for his help in reserving space at the restaurants. Susan asked all to thank the sponsors of the two dinners. She noted that this year was the first convention without a suite. It was decided that while the convention is in NYC, we would not need a suite. Members thanked Area 9 Director Dottie Slattery for obtaining a meeting place and time for our voting delegates to get together and discuss the resolutions before the annual meeting.
Legislative Coordinator Bill Boss (O/U BOCES) reviewed the NYSSBA Annual Meeting and discussed a number of resolutions.
NYSSBA Area 9 Director/BOCES President Dorothy Slattery noted that Area 9 was the most active area of the state for attending NYSSBA events. She heard concerns about the recent convention, and it was decided that Susan would write a letter expressing those concerns to NYSSBA staff members.
Hearing no other concerns, a motion to adjourn was m/s/c at 9:10 PM.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting: November 5, 2014
September 3, 2014
BOCES, Goshen
In Attendance: Dottie Slattery (Area 9 Director/BOCES), Mike Bello (Port Jervis/BOCES), (Larry Berger (Cornwall, BOCES), Martha Bogart (Goshen, BOCES), Bill Hecht, Jean Pavek (BOCES), Sandy Nagler, Frank Sambets, John Pasichnyk (Chester), Charles Frankel (Cornwall), Karyn Meier (Florida), Allison Salte Goshen), Ron Sommer (Greenwood Lake), JoAnn Reed (Marlboro), Ed Estrada (Middletown), Joseph Flaherty (Minisink Valley), Don Beeler, Jon Huberth (Monroe-Woodbury), Roseanne Sullivan (Pine Bush), Diana Petrosky (Tuxedo), Brad Conklin, Sheila Schwartz (Valley Central), Sharon Davis, Dave Eaton, Shannon Hockswender (Warwick Valley), Brian Casey (Washingtonville), Susan Doyle (OCSBA), and guest David Little (NYSSBA).
President Roseanne Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, welcomed all, and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Introductions were made around the room, and following a clarification of an OCSBA Delegate, all delegates were welcomed. Directories and calendars were distributed..Roseanne noted our legislative candidate forum on October 1st.
Motions to approve the minutes of the 4/2/14 and 6/4/14 meetings were m/s/c.
Treasurer Charles Frankel reported on the audit that was conducted by the executive committee this summer noting that all monies were properly accounted for. He distributed a cash flow report and a final budget report for 2013-14. Also, he stated that Monroe-Woodbury, Marlboro, and Newburgh had not yet paid their dues. .
President Sullivan introduced our guest speaker, NYSSBA’s retiring director of legislation, David Little. David spoke about the political scene in Albany and reviewed the proposed NYSSBA resolutions with Ron Sommer (member of the resolutions committee) and attending OCSBA members. President Sullivan presented David with a gift of appreciation for his outstanding efforts at NYSSBA. The gift was a custom made bobblehead of David. He thoroughly enjoyed his departing gift.
Susan gave an update on the planning for the NYSSBA Convention in October and announced the dinners for OCSBA members on Sunday & Monday evenings. She reported that OCSBA would not participate in a co-sponsored suite this year because of the excessive cost. Susan noted that a number of sponsors have made donations to help reduce the cost of OCSBA dinners. She thanked John Redman (Florida) for his assistance in locating restaurants in NYC for our members.
Because of time constraints, the sharing session on how we orient our new board members was postponed until another meeting.
Area 9 Director and BOCES President Dottie Slattery reported on the BOCES opening, BOCES board members visiting other board meetings, BOCES outreach efforts, and the BOCES open house & legal update for new board members in October. She spoke about the reorganization at NYSSBA and encouraged registrations for the upcoming the Student Achievement Institute in Newburgh.
Delegates’ comments included the following: congratulations to Pine Bush on their minor legal triumph, praise for BOCES help with the county crisis team, consideration of honoring business officials at our annual dinner meeting, and program suggestions were encouraged.
At 9:20 pm a motion to adjourn was m/s/c.
Approved: Delegates' Meeting, 11/5/14